ICT COST Action MPM4CPS (IC1404)



Truly complex, designed systems, known as Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), are emerging that integrate physical, software, and network aspects. To date, no unifying theory nor systematic design methods, techniques and tools exist for such systems. Individual (mechanical, electrical, network or software) engineering disciplines only offer partial solutions. Multi-paradigm Modeling (MPM) proposes to model every part and aspect of a system explicitly, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction, using the most appropriate modelling formalism(s). Modelling languages’ engineering, including model transformation, and the study of their semantics, are used to realize MPM. MPM is seen as an effective answer to the challenges of designing CPS. This COST Action promotes the sharing of foundations, techniques and tools, and provide educational resources, to both academia and industry. This is achieved by bringing together and disseminating knowledge and experiments on CPS problems and MPM solutions. Benoit Combemale is a member of the management committee.